roast guide coffee roast guide
Aliases Roaster Watch Surface Flavor
Light Cinnamon Roast, Half City, New England After about seven minutes the beans "pop" and double in size, and light roasting is achieved. American mass-market roasters typically stop here. Dry Light-bodied and somewhat sour, grassy, and snappy
Medium Full City, American, Regular, Breakfast, Brown At nine to eleven minutes the beans reach this roast, which U.S. specialty sellers tend to prefer.DryA bit sweeter than light roast; full body balanced by acid snap, aroma, and complexity
Dark High, Viennese, Italian Espresso, Continental After 12 to 13 minutes the beans begin hissing and popping again, and oils rise to the surface. Roasters from the U.S. Northwest generally remove the beans at this point. Slightly shiny Somewhat spicy; complexity is traded for rich chocolaty body, aroma is exchanged for sweetness
Darkest French After 14 minutes or so the beans grow quiet and begin to smoke. Having carmelized, the bean sugars begin to carbonize. Very oilySmokey; tastes primarily of roasting, not of the inherent flavor of the bean

Image and Information Source: Wikipedia

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